Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's the first year anniversary of reMARK...

Dear Sir/Madame/Friends,

It was exactly one year ago, that a real change happened in our faculty. We, as the marketing students came up with the one and only subject society in our faculty. We knew that we are on a revolution so came “re” and we are marketing students, so “MARK” came and the result was “reMARK”, The Marketing Students’ Association.

I remember the hours of discussions and brainstorming we had, how we sold the newsletters, pasted posters all over the place. We showed the character of real marketers from the word “go”. What a teaser campaign we carried out and a follow up campaign after that.

I must say it was not difficult to set the theme “Learning to be different”. Because we are any way different and in whatever we do, there was “Difference”. In the truest sense of fellowship we were successful in serving our fellow brothers and sisters. Each and every one received even a single e- mail would provide testimony for that fact.

A big book of thousands of pages won’t be enough to write all the great times we had as well as the difficult times. In great times as well as in difficult times there was always our brotherhood and never dying commitment to keep the house fire burning.

In retrospective, I would say that we achieved most of the objectives that we set at the initiation of the Association. I should give friendly invitation to my dear mallis and nangis to join hands with us in this endeavor.

In this day of Happiness, We should celebrate our success. And I pay my heartfelt gratitude all the lecturers and all my brothers and sister who were there from the first day and still with us up until now. There is no price to value their commitment and effort, because they are all “PRICELESS”.

Eranjana Kathriarachchi
Outgoing President 2010-2011

The reMARK Team

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

MKT 2202 - Services Marketing Additional Material

Principles of Service Marketing and Management
Publisher: Prentice Hall | ISBN: 013676875X | edition 2009 | PDF | 432 pages | 7 mb

Click HERE to download

Marketing Your Service Business
Publisher: Thorogood | ISBN: 1854183117 | edition 2005 | CHM | 280 pages | 12,8 mb

 Click HERE to download

Friday, December 31, 2010

MKT 2203 Brand Management - Text books and reading materials

Here are some of the reading materials you can freely download on internet regarding the subject.

Harvard Business Review On Brand Management
Publisher: Harvard Business Press | ISBN: 1578511445 | edition 1999 | CHM | 204 pages | 10,3 mb


Click HERE to download


 Jean-Noel Kapferer “The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term"
Kogan Page | 2008-03-01 | ISBN: 0749450851 | 560 pages | PDF | 2,8 Mb

click HERE to download  

Brand Management Theory and Practice
Publisher: Routledge | ISBN: 041544327X | edition 2008 | PDF | 267 pages | 1,97 mb

 click HERE to download

TIME - Person of the Year - FaceBook Founder Mark Zuckerberg

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Key points to remember when doing corporate presentations

4X3 Equation to Get your Message Through

The most challenging encounter that any speaker faces is to ensure that their message gets through to the audience.  This simple 4X3 equation will help you to prepare and deliver a presentation that can get through to your audience.  The 4X3 equation comprises of 4 steps with 3 ideas in each step to make that difference.

The 1st of the 4:

1)  Know your topic inside out.  If you are going to convey a message to the audience you should be an authority in the subject that you speak.  When you know the subject well your level of self confidence is high.  The audience too can feel that the speaker is a master of the subject.  Therefore never speak about a topic that you are not familiar with.

2)  A good speaker makes sure that the entire message is conveyed clearly within the time allocation given.  Therefore make sure that you are aware of the duration of your presentation and that you can convey the complete message crisply during the time limit.
Make sure you time your presentation when rehearsing.  It may take slightly longer when you present to your actual audience.

3)  Know your audience well.  The speech should be  prepared keeping the profile of the audience in mind.  It is very difficult to deliver one speech to many audiences.  Every speech should be tailor made to that particular audience.

The 2nd of the 4: 

1)  Start preparing your speech after getting the 1st of the 4 clarified clearly.  Different people prepare their speeches in different ways.  It does not matter how you prepare as long as you prepare.  If you write the entire speech you have the ability to edit it.  That is the advantage of writing a speech.  Mental editing is not easy.

2)  After preparing start practicing.  There is a difference between preparing and Practicing.  Preparing is putting the thoughts together.  Practicing is getting these thoughts out by speaking.  You can practice while driving, jogging or even bathing but make sure you practice.

3)  The final part of the practicing is rehearsing.  This is where you will get a mock audience and deliver your speech to get feedback.  We do not see our problems.  However a person observing you can spot it so that you could improve if you think the feedback received is valid.

3rd of the 4 

1)  Have an attention grabbing opening for your speech.  The first impressions are made within the first 15 seconds.  Therefore make sure you make a good first impression because you will never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

2)  Have a smooth flow to your speech.  Do not confuse the audience.  Have a clear structure and move from one idea to the next.  Using stories are very effective to get your point through.

3)  Have a memorable close.  The close is as important as the opening.  The opening gets the audience attention.  The close gives the message that you want the audience to take away with them.  It could be either something to think about, feel about or call for action.  Make sure that the close is powerful and clear.  Let the audience remember you for a long time!

4th of the 4

1)  Have eyeball to eyeball eye contact with everyone in the audience.  When you have eye contact the audience feels happy that the speaker is speaking to them individually. Furthermore you can assess whether your message is getting through well to the audience by the audience response.

2)  Use coordinated gestures to add value to what you are saying.  The audience will remember what they see and hear more than what they only hear.  So make the most of your body.  Always speak from the heart.  When you speak from the heart your natural gestures come out. Avoid offensive gesture and for men never put you hand into the pocket while speaking it distracts the audience!

3)  Your voice is a very powerful tool.  You can vary it in many ways.  You can vary the volume, the pitch and pace.  Use vocal variety to keep the audience a live.  A monotonous voice can loose the audience after a few minutes.  However with appropriate vocal variety you can add spice to your speech.

Use this 4X3 equation to make a better presentation next time.  Good Luck!

-Compiled by Mr. Niranjan De Silva
For the presentation on effective business presentation and body language
session which was conducted in last semester by The reMARK Team.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

BANG edition 02 ezine OUT NOW!!!

take a look at the new edition...